lunedì, dicembre 28, 2009

L'Italia è quartultima in Europa per la banda larga e agli ultimi posti per l'accesso al web

Più tecnologie e più internet, ma l'Italia è ancora indietro

La repubblica
28 dicembre 2009

Aumenta il numero di famiglie che ha in casa un computer: dal 50,1 del 2008 al 54,3% del 2009. E sale anche la percentuale di chi ha accesso a internet: dal 42 al 47,3%. Ma nel cuore degli italiani le tecnologie più amate restano tv (ne possiede almeno una il 96,1% delle famiglie) e cellulare (90,7%), seguiti dal lettore dvd (63,3%) e il videoregistratore (55,7%). Hanno un certo rilievo anche l'antenna parabolica (33,1%), la videocamera (28,3%) e la consolle per videogiochi (20,1%).

martedì, dicembre 08, 2009

E' interessante l'articolo del New York Times, segnalato da Alfonso Fuggetta, sul programma per l'innovazione negli Stati Uniti

An Innovation Agenda


Published: December 7, 2009

In particolare, segnalo le nove cose che il governo US può fare per migliorare l'ecologia economica.

First, push hard to fulfill the Obama administration’s education reforms. Those reforms, embraced by Republicans and Democrats, encourage charter school innovation, improve teacher quality, support community colleges and simplify finances for college students and war veterans. That’s the surest way to improve human capital.

Second, pay for basic research. Federal research money has been astonishingly productive, leading to DNA sequencing, semiconductors, lasers and many other technologies. Yet this financing has slipped, especially in physics, math and engineering. Overall research-and-development funding has slipped, too. The U.S. should aim to spend 3 percent of G.D.P. on research, as it did in the 1960s.

Third, rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. Abraham Lincoln spent the first half of his career promoting canals and railroads. Today, the updated needs are just as great, and there’s widespread agreement that decisions should be made by a National Infrastructure Bank, not pork-seeking politicians.

Fourth, find a fiscal exit strategy. If the deficits continue to surge, interest payments on the debt will be stifling. More important, the mounting deficits destroy confidence by sending the message that the American government is dysfunctional. The only way to realistically fix this problem is to appoint a binding commission, already supported by Republicans and Democrats, which would create a roadmap toward fiscal responsibility and then allow the Congress to vote on it, up or down.

Fifth, gradually address global imbalances. American consumers are now spending less and saving more. But the world economy will be out of whack if the Chinese continue to consume too little. The only solution is slow diplomacy to rebalance exchange rates and other distorting policies.

Sixth, loosen the so-called H-1B visa quotas to attract skilled immigrants.

Seventh, encourage regional innovation clusters. Innovation doesn’t happen at the national level. It happens within hot spots — places where hordes of entrepreneurs gather to compete, meet face to face, pollinate ideas. Regional authorities can’t innovate themselves, but they can encourage those who do to cluster.

Eighth, lower the corporate tax rate so it matches international norms.

Ninth, don’t be stupid. Don’t make labor markets rigid. Don’t pick trade fights with the Chinese. Don’t get infatuated with research tax credits and other gimmicks, which don’t increase overall research-and-development spending but just increase the salaries of the people who would be doing it anyway.