domenica, marzo 26, 2006


He was born in Rome on the 28th of April of 1947 and he received a degree with honours in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1972.
He is professor of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (INFOCOM) within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza.

Scientific and Managerial activity

From 2000 to 2004 he has been Vice Chancellor of the University of Rome La Sapienza; amongst the various activities he has been engaged in: administration of the University external relationships; the plan of decongestion together with the project of the new institutional and organizational model based upon the articulation of La Sapienza into a federation of autonomous Academic Entities; the general plan of order that intends to direct the development of La Sapienza within the territory woking through a collaboration with the Council of Rome; the reform of the system of bookeeping and financial balance of the University and the start up of the plan of financial imrpovement; the organization and the start up of the activities related to economic programs suitable to a complex system such as that of La Sapienza.
From 1999 to 2000 he has been President of the S.T.A., the Agency of public transports of the Council of Rome. Under his presidency several projects have been realized: studies for the new Regulatory Plan of Rome; the integrated program of mobility; studies and investigations on mobility; traffic planning; traffic projects and interventions aimed at the urban restructuring; setting up of projects for the new metro line C of Rome; intelligent systems of transport with the realization of a central station to monitor the traffic of Romee; support activities for the Jubilaeum; the substantial set up of the project of sustainable mobility. He has also given a strong impulse to the international qualification of the Agency thanks to the development of research projects funded by the European Community within the mobility and transport sector.
From 1998 to 1999 he has been President of AMA, the Municipal Agency of Environment of Rome. Under his presidency several projects have been realized: the modernization of the logistics, the machines and the implants of the Agency; the consolidation of the procedures of differentiated collection; the new industrial plan and the reorganization of the Agency according to the new objectives of the sector; studies aimed at the realization of implants dedicated to the exploitation of new energetic resources. He has also given a strong impulse to the international qualification of the Agency thanks to the development of research projects funded by the European Community within the environmental and waste treatment sector.
From 1994 to 1999 he has been Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza; within this position he has been engaged with the reorganization of the Faculty and the development of working relationships with the entrepreneurial world and with institutions at the local and national level.
From 1990 to 1994 he has been Director of the Department of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (INFOCOM) within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
From 1987 to 1989 he has been Director of the Department of Electronics and Automatics within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ancona.
In 1986 he was named Full Professor at the Department of Electronics and Automatics within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ancona.
From 1978 to 1985 he was first Assistant and then Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (INFOCOM) within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
From 1972 to 1978 he has been researcher at the Foundation “U. Bordoni” in Rome, a research center where he has worked within the field of telecommunications in collaboration with the Superior Postal and Telecommunication Institute.

Within his research field he has published more than 150 scientific works either through international scientific journals or presented at national or international meetings. The themes he has worked upon comprehend as a general term the engineering field, but more specifically the sector of telecommunications and information processing: the theory of circuits, signal processing, the architecture of intelligent networks, electromagnetic interactions, multimedial techniques, the environmental and waste treatment sector, the transport and mobility sector. He has been responsible and coordinator of several national (CNR research projects, national projects funded by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research) and international research projects. He has collaborated with many research centres and agencies at the national and international level.
He is senior member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), of the AEI (Italian Association of Electrotechniques and Electronics), of the CAS-NSA (Circuits and System's Neural Network Committee), and of the INNS (International Neural Network Society).
He is a component of the Committee for the technical-scientific coordination of the Institute for the Study of Innovation within the Media and Multimediality (ISIMM).
He has been component of scientific boards of several known scientific and research institutions or associations:
· President of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Acoustics "O.M. Corbino" part of the C.N.R., Rome
· Component of the Scientific Council of the Intitute of Electronic Circuits part of the C.N.R., Genoa
· President of SIREN (Italian Society of Neural Networks), that brings together the italian researchers which operate in the field of neural networks.
· Component of the executive council of ISWA Italia (International Solid Waste Association), that coordinates the national research in the field of waste treatment.
· Component of the Technical Scientific Committee of the Council part of the Order of Engineers within the Province of Rome.
· Component of the Technical Scientific Committee of the EXPO-MED consortium.
He is professor at the High School of Master course in Telecommunications at the Ministry of Communications.

Other professional experiences
He is component of the Committee of the Presidency which supervises the elaboration of the Project of Rome, constituted in 2002 at the Council of Rome, under the direction of the Vice Mayor of Rome together with the participation of the social parts and of cultural and economical institutions which comprehend also the three main public universities of the city.
He is component of the Scientific Commission for the City of Science of Rome, created in 1999 by the Council of Rome and aimed at the formulation of an operative plan for the realization of a large Science Museum in Rome.
He is component of Administrative Council of the telecommunications research consortium CoRiTel which comprehends also Ericsson Lab Italy.
He has been President and component of the Administrative Council of the Rome Research Consortium, which has the objective to promote and coordinate initiatives and programmes aimed at the transfer of strategic and innovative technologies to enterprises within the local roman territory.
He has been President of the Environmental Technological Park of Rome, built in 1999 with the objective to transfer knowledge and innovation gained from research to the environmental sector.
He has been component of the Administrative Council of the Technological Industrial Pole of Rome which has the aim to promote, sustain and transfer knowledge and technologies to the productive system and thus to give sustainment to the productive activities and work occupation in the local roman territory.
He has been part of the Commission established to monitor the jubilear interventions of Rome within the Higher Council of Public Works.
He has been part of many commissions of the Council of Rome and of the Province of Rome supervising problems of informatics and telecommunications and aimed at the sustainment of technological transfer.
He has been component of the Admistrative Council of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation, a research entity within the sector of telecommunications.
He has been extraordinary component of the Higher Technical Council of Posts and Telecommunications.
He has been component of the Committee of the Presidency of the Roman Union of Engineers and Architects.
He has published many articles on through printing organs, dealing particularly with problems related to the economical and territorial development, to the technological innovation and to the development of the academic and research systems.

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